Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22nd 2013

Good Morning!
Today is a great day!!!! Why? Because this missionary gets to play volleyball!!!! :] yay!!!
Anyways, Belfair… Belfair is HUGE!!! It takes an hour and a half to get from one end to the other, and that is just one ward!!!! Crazy! The actual town is tiny, not even a Wal-Mart! But it’s good here!
We had a miracle yesterday!
A young boy (15 years old) named Freddy has been attending church for a little while with his neighbors and this week at church he asked who he needed to talk to so that he could get baptized, he has been wanting to be baptized for a long time but his dad was holding him back, he had heard some anti about Mormons and didn’t want his son getting into that, but his heart has since softened and Freddy’s birthday is may 9th so his dad said he could be baptized for his birthday!!! YAY!! So we will begin teaching him this week and he is on date to be baptized on May 11th :]
I live in a “cute” little town home now, it’s very old school but it’s nice cause I am right on the beach, I will attach pictures :] It rains all the time here, but it is supposed to be getting nicer, so that’s good!
My new companion is Sister Murrieta she is a very happy person and we get along really well! We are very different types of people and missionaries, but, we make it work.
This week was 4/20 (if you don’t know what that is, it’s like a holiday for pot heads.) and with marijuana being legal in WA, its huge here. Just about every house smelt terrible, so that was no fun. The picture of sister Murrieta and I is us making our “everyone is high” face! Haha
We are teaching some cool people, one of which is a pastor at the Assembly of God, so that will be interesting. She is a pastor for the kids and her husband is the main guy, but she wants to listen and learn :]
That’s just about all for this week! Love you all!
Love, Sister Falkner
The Pictures
Our “everybody is high” face

And a sunrise out my bedroom window! Super beautiful!! :]

The beach outside our front door, i love it!! and of course, soaking up some washington rain!
and Saturday we went to Zions camp (a church owned camp) and cooked food for all of the volunteers that came and did spring cleaning!

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